Complications from neurogenesis and situations in which increased brain cell growth is not recommended definitely exist and should be noted. Increased growth in the brain is not always a good thing, especially for people with tumors, histories of cancer,and stroke because of the extra blood flow associated with neurogenesis and because of the increase in unneeded growth of cells for cancer patients is never a good thing until the cancer overgrowth is under control.
Factors that negatively impact the actual process of neurogenesis are
- Inflammation (can be from bad diet or medication or environmental conditions)
- Aging process (unavoidable, but can be managed)
- Stress and anxiety (happens to everyone, but we can choose the degree to which it affects us by taking certain actions)
*** It should be noted that a potential negative from this could be the need to "workout" the brain in a consistent manner to extend the life and strength of these new brain cells. Many people who experience neurogenesis do not fully reap the benefits. Your mind is a muscle and just like the skeletal muscles atrophying if we don't use them we can also lose the positive effect associated with more brain cells if not maintained through activities like mindfulness and learning.
