The following list can be utilized as recommendations for neurogenesis to implement into everyday life
1. Exercising - try and move your body everyday. Options can be yoga, weight lifting, running, sports etc...
2. Meditating - daily mindfulness training can help calm the mind as well as increase brain cell production. There are now meditation apps to help get into the habit
3. Learning - committing to learning is a great way to keep stem cells alive and functioning to their highest ability and this can definitely help slow the mental aging process. Engaging in study of personal passions or languages or other subjects is a great pursuit towards furthering the effectiveness of neurogenesis
4. Nutrition - keeping your diet in check is a big help in creating a healthy brain environment. There are certain foods that can negatively affect neurogenesis through inflammation or process pathway blockages, but foods high in healthy fats like omegas and plant focused foods high in antioxidants and vibrant colors should be eaten
5. Sleep - there exists a huge restorative factor along with neurogenesis when sleep becomes optimized. I suggest staying away from caffeine and blue light before bedtime, getting adequate Vitamin D3 and activity during the day, and finally adopting a sleep schedule that aligns your circadian rhythm.
There are so many potential future avenues to take neurogenesis research and I think the most important and interesting have to do in the health and performance and medical fields. There could be potential future cures or therapies that deal with memory and cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's and also applications for dealing with common learning disabilities as well as congenital and acquired brain injuries. Mental health can also be positively impacted from the study and application of new brain cell growth and opportunities to advance recovery and mood/emotional health could be amazing. Many of these therapies might employ stem cells and I think these non specific cells are the key to unlocking more areas of interest within neurogenesis and perhaps can even be linked to the entire aging process, not just the decline of the brain but possibly the whole body.
